Merck Foundation CEO Released Their TV Program Our Africa with Partner The Standard Media Group on KTN During Her Visit to Kenya

Business News

Nairobi, Kenya & Mumbai, Maharashtra, India:

    • Merck Foundation CEO meets Kenya Award Winners & Alumni during the release of their TV program “Our Africa” on KTN of partner; The Standard Media Group.
    • ‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ is a pan-African TV program is currently broadcasted on KTN of their partner, The Standards Media Group on every Saturday at 5:00 pm, repeated every Wednesday at 6:30 am.
    • “Our Africa” is conceptualized, produced, directed, and hosted by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation to feature African Fashion Designers, Singers, and prominent experts from various domains with the aim to raise awareness and create a culture shift across Africa such as:  Diabetes, Ending Child Marriage, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Stopping GBV, Ending FGM and Breaking Infertility Stigma, among other social and health issues affecting the continent.
    • Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck foundation and Joe Munene – KTN Managing Director, the importance of responsible media projects such as “Our Africa” TV program to sensitize our communities and being the voice of the voiceless. 

Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck KGaA Germany launched the “Our Africa” TV Program during a Press Conference in Nairobi, Kenya.

Watch the Promo of ‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ here:

Expressing her excitement about the release of “Our Africa by Merck Foundation” TV program, Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and President of “More Than a Mother” Campaign shared, “I am very happy to be here in Kenya and release “Our Africa by Merck Foundation” together with our long term partner the standard media group, KTN, a first-of-its-kind TV program that is set to be the voice of the voiceless and break the silence about many critical and sensitive social and health issues in Africa like Breaking Infertility Stigma, Importance of early detection & prevention of Diabetes, Supporting Girl Education, Ending Child Marriage, Stopping Gender-Based Violence, promoting a Healthy Lifestyle, Ending Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), Coronavirus Health Awareness, Gender-Based Violence (GBV), Sustainability, and many more.”

‘Our Africa by Merck Foundation’ is a pan-African TV program that is conceptualized, produced, directed, and co-hosted by Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation to feature African Fashion Designers, Singers, and prominent experts from various domains with the aim to raise awareness and create a culture shift across Africa. The show is set to be aired on KTN Home on every Saturday at 5:00 pm, repeated every Wednesday at 6:30 am.

Watch the First Episode here:

Watch the First Episode promo here:

The TV program has been broadcasted on prime TV stations of many countries like NTV in Uganda, and GH One TV in Ghana and ZNBC in Zambia, AYV in Sierra Leone and LTV, Liberia, and it immediately captured the attention and hearts of millions of viewers across Africa. “Our Africa” TV Program will soon also broadcast on TV 3 in Ghana, BTV in Botswana and QTV in The Gambia. “Our Africa” TV Program is currently on social media handles of Senator, Dr. Rasha Kelej (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube) and Merck Foundation (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube).

During the release of “Our Africa” TV Program together with KTN, Merck Foundation Kenya Annual Summit and Awards Ceremony was held, during which Merck Foundation CEO met and acknowledged the Merck Foundation Alumni and the Winners of the Merck Foundation Media Recognition Awards 2022.

Dr. Kelej expressed, “I am very happy to meet our Alumni from Kenya. I am very proud of the work we are doing to transform patient care landscape in Kenya. We have provided 138 scholarships of one year diploma and two year master degree in Kenya in 39 critical specialties such as – Oncology, Embryology, Diabetes, Preventative Cardiovascular Medicine, Endocrinology, Sexual and Reproductive Medicine, Gastroenterology, Respiratory Medicine, Acute Medicine, Biotechnology of Human Assisted Reproduction and Embryology, Critical Care, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Urology, Neonatal Medicine, Pain Management and many more. We are committed to transforming patient care in Kenya and we will continue to scale up these numbers in order to create a stronger platform of skilled medical professionals and strengthen the public healthcare system in Kenya and rest of Africa.”

She further stated, “I am extremely glad to meet the Merck Foundation Alumni and Media Awards Winners in person. This year, we have 4 Media winners from Kenya. Congratulations to all the winners. I am pleased to celebrate and welcome you to be the members of Merck Foundation Alumni and work closely with us to be the voice of the voiceless and raise awareness on social and health issues by featuring impactful and inspiring stories.”

The following winners were recognized:

Merck Foundation “More Than a Mother” Media Recognition Awards 2022

    • Beldeen Waliaula, Standard Media group (Print – Third Prize)
    • Elizabeth Angira, The Sun Weekly Online (Online – First Prize)
    • Mercy Tyra Murengu, MediaMax Limited-Milele FM (Special Award)

Merck Foundation “Diabetes & Hypertension” Media Recognition Awards 2022

    • Pauline Odhiambo, BBC (Online – Second Prize)

Moreover, Merck Foundation CEO announced the Call for Applications for their 8 important awards for Media, Musicians, Fashion Designers, Filmmakers, students, and new potential talents in these fields from Kenya. Details of the awards below:

1. Merck Foundation Africa Media Recognition Awards “More Than a Mother” 2023: Media representatives and media students are invited to showcase their work to raise awareness about one or more of the following social issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/ or Stopping GBV at all levels.

Submission deadline: 30th September 2023. Click here to view more details.

2. Merck Foundation Film Awards “More Than a Mother” 2023:

All African Filmmakers, Students of Film Making Training Institutions, or Young Talents of Africa are invited to create and share a long or short FILMS, either drama, documentary, or docudrama to deliver strong and influential messages to address one or more of the following social issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/ or Stopping GBV at all levels.

Submission deadline: 30th September 2023. Click here to view more details.

3. Merck Foundation Fashion Awards “More Than a Mother” 2023: All African Fashion Students and Designers are invited to create and share designs to deliver strong and influential messages to raise awareness about one or more of the following social issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/ or Stopping GBV at all levels.

Submission deadline: 30th September 2023. Click here to view more details.

4. Merck Foundation Song Awards “More Than a Mother” 2023 All African Singers and Musical Artists are invited to create and share a SONG with the aim to address one or more of the following social issues such as: Breaking Infertility Stigma, Supporting Girl Education, Women Empowerment, Ending Child Marriage, Ending FGM, and/ or Stopping GBV at all levels.

Submission deadline: 30th September 2023. Click here to view more details.

5. Merck Foundation Media Recognition Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”:

Media representatives are invited to showcase their work through strong and influential messages to promote a healthy lifestyle raise awareness about prevention & early detection of Diabetes & Hypertension.

Submission deadline: 30th October 2023. Click here to view more details.

6. Merck Foundation Film Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”: All African Filmmakers, Students of Film Making Training Institutions or Young Talents of Africa are invited to create and share a long or short FILMS, either drama, documentary or docudrama to deliver strong and influential messages to promote a healthy lifestyle raise awareness about prevention and early detection of Diabetes and Hypertension.

Submission deadline: 30th October 2023. Click here to view more details.

7. Merck Foundation Fashion Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”: All African Fashion Students and Designers are invited to create and share designs to deliver strong and influential messages to promote a healthy lifestyle raise awareness about prevention and early detection of Diabetes and Hypertension.

Submission deadline: 30th October 2023. Click here to view more details.

8. Merck Foundation Song Awards 2023 “Diabetes & Hypertension”: All African Singers and Musical Artists are invited to create and share a SONG with the aim to promote a healthy lifestyle raise awareness about prevention and early detection of Diabetes and Hypertension.

Submission deadline: 30th October 2023. Click here to view more details.

Entries for all the awards are to be submitted via email to: [email protected]

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