New Delhi: Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnav on Saturday said that by the end of the year, 5G services will be rolled out in 20-25 cities and towns. He also indicated that with the introduction of new services, data prices in India will remain low as compared to other countries of the world. Current data prices in India are much lower than the global average.
Vaishnav said that the deployment of 5G will start in August-September. The Minister said that India is developing 4G and 5G stacks, and is ready to strengthen its position as a trusted source for the world in digital networks. Speaking at the ‘TV9 – What India Thinks Today’ Global Summit, he said that many countries want to give priority to the 4G and 5G products and technologies being developed by India.
Vaishnav informed that the ministry is working on an important regulation to address the issue of unwanted calls. Under this, the KYC-identified name of any caller can be known. On 5G services, he said, “I can say with confidence that at least 20-25 cities and towns will have 5G deployment by the end of the year.” When asked about the pricing of 5G services, Vaishnav said that even today data rates in India are around US$ 2, while the global average is US$ 25. He said that the same trend will be there in other areas as well.