535 new cases in 24 hours, fear in Nagpur due to 454 cases of Omicron


Mumbai: Where on the one hand the grip of Corona in the country is getting loose. At the same time, the speed of Corona in Maharashtra has decreased slightly, but this time there has been an Omicron blast in Nagpur. Significantly, 535 new cases of the corona were reported in Maharashtra on Saturday, due to which the number of infected people increased to 78,68,451.

At the same time, according to the data of the Health Department of Maharashtra, 10 people have died due to this terrible infection, due to which the death toll has increased to 1,43,737. At the same time, at least 963 patients were cured of the infection, due to which the number of cured patients increased to 77,16,674. In the last 24 hours, 76,375 samples were tested for corona and so far 7,82,14,557 samples have been tested.

Omicron blast in Nagpur
At the same time, 454 cases of Omicron variants of the corona were reported in the state’s Uprahdhani Nagpur. This is the first time in Nagpur that now such a large number of infected have been found together. After these cases, now a total of 5,665 patients infected with the Omicron variant have been reported in the state. Out of which 4,733 patients have become healthy.


If we talk about the health rate of the state, then at present it is 98.07% and the death rate is 1.82%. At present, 4,038 patients are undergoing treatment in Maharashtra. During this, it was a relief that 963 patients were also discharged in a day, due to which the figure of those who recovered has now increased to 77,16,674. Similarly, at present 27,025 people are in-home quarantine and 589 people are currently in institutional quarantine.
