United Nations: A report has revealed that at least 209 million women in the world are victims of modern slavery. It exists in the form of forced labor, forced marriages, bonded labor, and domestic slavery, etc.
Walk Free Anti Slavery Organization co-founder Grace Flores said Friday that one in 130 women and girls are victims of modern slavery and the number exceeds Australia’s total population.
He said at a United Nations press conference, “The reality is that as many people who have lived in slavery today have never lived in human history. They said that the interpretation of walk-free modern slavery,” ‘Ending the freedom of one person in a phased manner, where one person exploits another person for personal or economic gain.

She said that the work done by Walk Free, the International Labor Organization, and the International Organization on Immigration, concluded that one in 130 women and girls were victims of modern slavery.
The Stagged Odds report states that 99 percent of all victims of sexual assault are women, 84 percent of all victims of forced marriage and 58 percent of all victims of forced labor. He said that Walk Free and the United Nations’ Every Women Every Child program is launching a global campaign to end modern slavery.