Bhind: Two minors aboard a boat capsized in the Sindh river in Madhya Pradesh’s Bhind district on Friday went missing, while 10 others on board were rescued. The police informed me about this. It is being told that the accident happened due to a large number of people in the boat.
Raun police station in-charge Narendra Singh Kushwaha said that the incident took place around 6 pm today in the Nayagaon police station area, about 40 km from Bhind district headquarters. He said that 12 people of the Raun police station area had gone to eat Bhandara at Tehangur in the Nayagaon police station area and while returning their boat (canoe) capsized in the river.
Kushwaha said that out of these 10 people have been rescued, while two people are still missing, including Draupadi Baghel (16 years) resident of Hilgawan police station Raun, and Om Baghel (13) resident of Mirzapur Uttar Pradesh. He said that the team of State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) and Nayagaon and Raun police were on the spot searching for both.