New Delhi: In a video viral on social media, it is being claimed that the government has planned to bring back ₹1000 notes from January 1, 2023. This message is fake. PIB has given information about this in a tweet and has appealed to the people not to forward such messages. PIB has also shown this viral message in the tweet.
It is written in the viral message, “From January 1, a new note of ₹ 1000 is going to come, and 2000 notes will be returned to the bank. You will be allowed to deposit only ₹ 50000. This permission will also be only for 10 days, after which the 2000 notes will have no value. That’s why don’t keep more than 2000 notes with you. Although PIB has termed it completely fake
Notes were closed in 2016
Let us tell you that after demonetization in 2016, 1000 notes were removed from circulation. This was done to curb black money. In the same year, the government introduced new 2000 notes in the market.
Printing of 2000 notes stopped
Recently, in response to a question in the Parliament, the Central Government said that no new order has been placed after 2018-19 for the printing of new 2000 notes. To understand it in simple words, the printing of new 2000 notes has probably been stopped.
Fake notes in circulation
The government told in the Rajya Sabha that in the financial year 2021-22, 230971 fake currency notes were identified in the banking system. According to the government, clearly visible security features have been added to genuine notes to identify fake notes and genuine notes. Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chowdhary told that out of all the fake notes that were caught in the banking system, 90% were of very low quality. No major security feature could be copied into them. You can get information about the security features related to the identification of genuine notes on the website of RBI.